Omea Pro Help: Organizing Your Resources

Omea Reader Help: Organizing Your Resources

Organizing your resources

This section of Help explains the various ways Omea Reader Omea Pro enables you to organize your computer’s resources after they have been indexed.

Omea ReaderOmea Pro provides a number of features that enable unprecedented flexibility of organization. There is no "best" approach or technique to organizing your resources. This topic suggests a basic approach and then provides links to more detailed topics on each of the organizational features. You should look over these topics to familiarize yourself with the features. Afterwards you should know enough to begin setting up your own organization system.

A Suggested Basic Approach to Organizing


Your first line of attack for organizing your resources should probably be Categories. You can use these to create your own filing system for your on-linecomputer’s resources. As new things arrive, As you access on-line information, you "pigeonhole" things wherever you think they belong. Moreover, you can file the same resource in multiple Categories.


As your organization scheme begins to take shape, you may want to experiment with custom Views. Unlike Categories, which organize what you have, Views organize how you browse and access what you have. Like the default "pre-fabricated" Views such as Unread and Today, your custom Views can zero in on some subset of your resources. Omea ReaderOmea Pro provides a broad range of selection criteria that you can combine to create most any kind of View you can think of.


As you file resources in your Categories, the structure of which can be as simple or complex as you choose, you can create Links to other related or relevant resources of any type.


For some incoming resources you may want to create a Task at the same time you file it in your Categories (or directly from your Inbox). That creates a new item in your To Do list that’s already linked to the incoming resource. You can create links to any other resources you will need to handle the Task, plus you can add a due date, a reminder, and more.


You can expand the scope of what can be done with Views by creating Workspaces. These are essentially larger, broader Views... subsets of your resources that create a meaningful context for some part of your work or activities.

See also: